MayneTrip’s Bio
“Change Has Come”
Mayne T.R.I.P. (an acronym standing for T.ruly R.especting I.ntelligent P.rophets) was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio on August 13th. As the oldest sibling, he was challenged to adapt quickly from the rest. Mayne has been musically talented since birth. At the age of nine, he was influenced by all kinds of music from hip hop to jazz. Mayne started playing the trumpet in 4th grade reading notes off pages and continued on to high school where he would find himself in concert band. His mother provided through struggle times for her household. Mayne believes his strength came from her. With Mayne being first born, he’s witnessed more than the average kid would see, at a young age. Coming from a large family, (Grandparents had 60+ grand & great grand children) he was accepted to the Cleveland School of Arts to study music, but his family (consisting of his mother & 2 sisters) later moved to the West Coast in 1990.
Moving to Orange County in the 1990’s was a major culture shock. These were times of Generation X, where the city took back what they perceived was justice, during the L.A. Riots. Mayne mentions, “I started writing songs of poetry in the ninth grade and teamed up with fellow classmates to form a group called, Cultural Revolution”. (Consisting of Xile and Luby) Mayne has deep conscious lyrics ranging from subject matters about the streets of Cleveland to California, his Personal Life Struggles, and deep belief in God. Barely graduating from High School, but was able to provide for himself and family. Mayne settled in California after going back every year to Cleveland, a place he still calls home.
In 1999 he did a Complication CD with “Resurrected Minds CEO Luby Benton” along with other artist, which were in stores worldwide before record stores closed down. Since 1999, Mayne has released multiple projects and has featured on 3 mixtapes with other established artist. He was signed with CEO Ali White’s Talent Management company named STIL-I-RIZE, or “Still I Rize” for a period of time which generated a lot of exposure and showcases. Mayne T.R.I.P. has performed at various locations in California – L.A., San Diego, Inland Empire, Orange County – House Of Blues, The Key Club, Whiskey A-Go-Go, The Knitting Factory in Hollywood, The Galaxy Theater in Orange County and multiple clubs and bars throughout Southern and Northern California.
In 2002, Mayne teamed up with Delima N Ariano (Former DNA group) to put out “DNA Presents” Mayne T.R.I.P. (The Worlds Gone Mad), which consisted of many bangers like, “How Long will it Last, Mother’s Creation and Black Luv”. In 2006 Mayne Featured on a Mixtape with DJ John Blaze, a Arizona/Cali friend called, “One in the Chamber” Vol 1 – Chamber Entertainment. In 2007, Mayne T.R.I.P. released his debut album titled, “Souljah Since Birth” on his independent label “MayneLyne Musik” featuring Artist like Big Fella Bonachelli, Ariano of Technicali, Shavoine, and Kadillak Kaz of Skyballin Entertainment. The same year, Mayne did a Mixtape with Cash Daily called “The Mayne Event” Vol 1. which had many hits, like “Newborns”, “Shining Light” and “Change Gon Come”.
In 2008 Mayne was on a Midwest Tour called, “Midwest Mayheim” with Sonny Kapone and “Former Shady Records Artist Cashis”. Performing in Chicago and St. Louis areas. Mayne T.R.I.P. & Sonny Kapone were working on a few tracks for their separate albums when they decided to do a mixtape. (Mayne and Sonny Present: “West Neva Left”) featured many O.C. (Orange County) artists, including Cashis, Sonny Kapone, Shotty Boi, Noah Jones and many more. The collaboration gives off a vibe proving the West is still strong in the rap game. The End of 2008, Mayne’s Grandmother passed away from a many yrs. of kidney failure, followed by his Grandfather having a stroke three months later. He traveled to Cleveland to pay respect to family after a loss. Shortly into 2009, Mayne finds out his close friend was diagnosed with Lymphomia Cancer. Four months later, Ray “Toons” Johnson lost his life and Tremayne lost a friend. Mayne T.R.I.P. went into a shell of questions on life’s purpose. After taking 2009 off to reflect on what’s important like family, music still attracts Mayne T.R.I.P. as a life expression. Mayne T.R.I.P. went onto releasing several more mix tapes including, “The Mayne Event” Vol 2 and “The Mayne Event” Vol 3 (From Cleveland to Cali). Currently, he’s working on the release of “Black Bandanna” and his upcoming LP, “Mayne Stimulation”. Mayne always had love for music and is surrounded by loyal folks with the same vision. There’s a change in Hip Hop and you can bet Mayne T.R.I.P. is one to carry the mantle as he states, “We’re all Prophets Gods Watching The Clock Tick”.